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Professional Document Formatting

For everybody. Free and easy. No prior experience required.

  • I'm not aware about XSL-FO technology.
    I would like to understand what can it do for me and how can it be used.
  • I have some basic understanding of the principles of XSL-FO.
    I would like to explore the samples to learn how to build XSL-FO documents for my needs.
  • I have some understanding of XSL-FO and I have my document ready.
    I would like to format the document to PDF with your Web rendering application.
  • I'm familiar with XSL-FO and XEP engine, but using the Web application does not fit my needs.
    I need a Web Service that can be integrated into my business application to render XSL-FO documents with no need to use Web browser.
  • I have too large data and/or my data is confidential.
    I need a reliable and customizable solution that I can install on my computers.
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