XEP Online
XEP Online will produce PDF files from your source XSL-FO document
To get started:
- Prepare your files (on your computer) — How?
- Upload your files (XSL-FO, XML, and any related resources like images)
- Press the "Process the Files" button
- Download the result PDF
Step 1: Upload Your Files
- The absolute minimum is a single XSL-FO file. There are two options possible:
- If you have a single FO file, e.g., your file starts with <fo:root> (usually with extension of *.fo) - then you have to upload it;
- If you have XML + XSL pair, e.g. XSL starts with <xsl:stylesheet> - then you upload both files. Make sure they have same name and corresponding extensions
E.g. myfile.xsl and myfile.xml
- If the document contains references to images or other resources, they can be
also included:
- Any resources referred from XSL-FO must be in URI format;
- Only local resources are supported for security reasons, so any references must
be start with file:// Other resources (e.g.
http://server/image) will be ignored;
- All resources should reside in the same directory. No directory references (E.g.,
file://../image or file://directory/image ) alowed;
- You can upload all files above separately or build a ZIP or RAR
archive containnig all files.
- XSL-FO and XML must reside in archive's root folder.