XEP Online is designed to be integrating into your business processes. This means your
existing applications can remotely generate PDF documents with no need to
purchase, install, configure, and maintain your own XSL-FO to PDF formatter.
See the following sections for more details.
We provide you the following ways to integrate with our Web services:
- Aditya — SOAP Web service
- Chandra — REST Web service
- Client tools — downloadable and installable tools
Our client tools provide an out-of-the-box solution. They can be used on a standalone basis or integrated into another application. You can integrate the client tools via command line interface or program API. The important advantage is that you do not need to rewrite your integration mechanism, if you decide to switch from our Web service to an XEP rendering engine installed on your computer or on a local or remote server.
If you feel that you need other ways to integrate our Web services into your application, you can always write your own client that supports our SOAP or REST protocol.
There are two services, Aditya and Chandra. Basically, they are very similar,
except the basic technology they are using.
Aditya service is a SOAP-based service implementing XEP Online protocol.
Chandra is a REST-based service.
Description of the SOAP protocol
The protocol consists of several methods available for remote calling. See the list below for available methods.
All methods require an Authentication Header containing user information. An Authentication Header should have a name of
and must have the following fields:
Username: string
Password: string
<AuthHeader xmlns="http://renderx.com/webservices/soap/">
Method: Format
xml: string
systemId: string
mimeType: string
: array of Attachment
Uri: string
contains relative URI for the referenced document (e.g. an image),
exactly as it is referenced in the original XSL-FO;
FileContent: base64binary
an attachment;
Returns: FormatResult
Status: booean
value, Success or Failure;
ResultFile: base64binary
, a result PDF document;
Messages: Array of string
; Each string contains formatter messages;
MissingAttachments: Array of string
; Contains a list of attachments referenced
in the document but not passed as input parameters;
method performs actual formatting of XSL-FO document passed in a xml
See also:
Description of the REST protocol
RESTful service accepts formatting requests via
HTTP REST interface. The service formats submitted XML documents with the
RenderX XEP engine and
replies with XML response which contains a formatting log and a link from which
the formatted PDF document can be downloaded.
You can use
REST API to interact programmatically with this service.
api.xep.com API provides access to the
formatting service via URI paths. To use a REST API, your application will make
an HTTP request and parse the response. The response format is XML. Your method
will be the standard HTTP POST method. You can send either standalone XSL-FO
files ("xml" field) or XML file with its stylesheet ("xml" and "xsl" fields).
If you're constructing the POST query manually, it should look something like
the following sample. All line endings must be \r\n.
POST /RenderX.WebServices/Chandra.svc/format HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.23.1 (x86_64-pc-win32) libcurl/7.23.1 OpenSSL /0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5
Host: online.xep.com
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 99071
Expect: 100-continue
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------79e05a24ee21
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="xml"; filename="hammer.fo"
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Images/rx-logo.svg"; filename="rx-logo.svg"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Images/brick.jpg"; filenam
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Images/can.jpg"; filename="can.jpg"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="mimetype"
The multipart boundary should be randomly generated and should not occur
anywhere inside the payload data. Also, don't forget the line ending after your
{RAW * DATA} and before the final boundary.
If your formatting request is successful then the response should look something
like this.
<FormattingResult xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/RenderX.WebServices" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Messages xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
<a:anyType i:type="b:string" xmlns:b="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">openState validate</a:anyType>
<a:anyType i:type="b:string" xmlns:b="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">event validation OK</a:anyType>
<!-- Log lines skipped -->
<a:anyType i:type="b:string" xmlns:b="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">closeState generate</a:anyType>
<MissingAttachments xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"/>
You can also use the cURL command line tool
for submitting formatting requests to the service. In that case cURL acts as a
client and you don't need to write your own program. Below you can see several
examples which demonstrate the most common usages. You can turn on tracing to
find out the underling request format which is required when interacting with
the service.
Formatting standalone XSL-FO file:
-F "xml=@color.fo;type=application/xml"
Formatting XSL-FO file with images:
-F "xml=@bgimage.fo;type=application/xml"
-F "image1=@spots.jpg;type=image/jpeg"
Formatting XML file with XSLT stylesheet:
-F "xml=@hammer.xsl;type=application/xml"
-F "xsl=@hammer.xsl;type=application/xml"
A complete example:
-F "xml=@hammer.fo;type=application/xml"
-F "Images/rx-logo.svg=@Images/rx-logo.svg;type=application/octet-stream"
-F "Images/brick.jpg=@Images/brick.jpg;type=application/octet-stream"
-F "Images/can.jpg=@Images/can.jpg;type=application/octet-stream"
-F "Images/hammer.jpg=@Images/hammer.jpg;type=application/octet-stream"
-F "Images/plank.jpg=@Images/plank.jpg;type=application/octet-stream"
-F "Images/screw.jpg=@Images/screw.jpg;type=application/octet-stream"
-F "Images/nail.jpg=@Images/nail.jpg;type=application/octet-stream"
-F "Images/box.jpg=@Images/box.jpg;type=application/octet-stream"
-F "mimetype=application/pdf"
There are two ways utilizing RESTful service with a custom application:
- Create a proxy class using a tool provided by a development environment;
- Roll up your own tool that implements the required HTTP Methods;
You need to create a user account to use our free service. Anonymous login is not supported by the Web service APIs, yet you can use the Web application (which runs in browser) without creating account or logging in.
Client Tools
XEP Assistant
XEP Assistant is a GUI-based Windows application.
XSL Driver is a command line tool which is easy to integrate in any
Windows-based environment. It has the following features:
- Interactive or automatic processing;
- A comprehensive configuration file to manage all XEP Online services used (local
and remote) and user management;
- Optional XML+XSL transformation
- Optional use of MVP.XML transformation library for XSLT 2.0 processing
- Gathering resources rereferenced in the original XSL-FO document
- Forming a SOAP or REST request and processing server response
- Error logging
Command-line parameters:
[-service <servicename>]
[-res ask|send|skip|yes|no]
[-xml] <infile> [-xsl <stylesheet> {-param <name=value>}]
[-pdf | -ps | -svg | -xep <outfile>]
-service Specifies a named service listed in App.config
Default service is marked with default="true" attribute.
-res Specifies behavour for external resources referenced in XSL-FO.
ASK List the files and wait for user input
SEND | YES Automatically send to server (see manual for SECURITY warning)
SKIP | NO Never send additional files (default)
Along with compiled versions, XEP Online Client Tools are available in open
source form as well: (TODO link)
You may use these sources to build your own command-line or GUI-based client application to integrate with XEP Online
formatting service or just
look at the sources to build your own client tool, using your favorite
development environment.
XEP Online Client tools are developed in C#.NET.
Depending on your requirements, you may use XEP Online Client Tools in several
different ways:
- For simple use cases or demonstration purposes, use XEP Assistant as it seems to
be simplest and most visual;
- For integrating with popular XML Editors, use XslDriver command-line tool;
- For initial integration, or development prototyping, use XslDriver for simple
command-line invocation;
Writing Your Own Client
In case of using another development environment (not Windows/.NET), you may
consider writing your own client tool. The sources of XslDriver or XEP Assistant
will be of a good use to see how to gather all necessary data, form a server
request, and process its response.
- Make an user account with XEP Online service;
- Decide which XEP Online service you will be using;
Processing an arbitrary document:
- If it is XML + XSL, run an XSL transformation to form a single XSL-FO file;
- Run through the XSL-FO file to detect all usages of external resources, e.g.
images or fonts (optional, see below);
- Form a SOAP or REST request, containing the following data:
- Authentication information;
- XSL-FO document
- Attachments
- Submit a request and wait for a response;
- Check if any attachments are missing; If so, retrieve the missing ones and
re-submit your request;
- Display formatting messages;
- Save, display, or otherwise use the result PDF document;
Other Programming Languages
Although XEP Online Client Tools are written in .NET environment, it is easy to
integrate XEP Online Web Services into any development framework, provided that
the client computer has Internet connectivity. Review the topics above for
general guidelines how to do it.
Alternatively, we can develop a client code for you. Please Contact Us to
Integration with XML Editors
The client tools can be integrated to work with popular XML editors. See the following page for detailed instructions: Integration XEP Online Web Services with XML Editors.